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花一周的时间,动员多种社会力量,就为一位老伯找一副假牙,有这个必要吗?花这么多的力气和版面来报道一件个体、偶尔的小事,算不算浪费?都市快报“热线新闻”用实践作了回答。2014年8月29日、30日、9月1日,杭州都市快报“热线新闻”连续三天用3个整版,报道了为市民徐大伯寻找一副假牙的事。这组系列报道从刊出第一天起,在报社内部及社会评报员中就出现了争论的声音。一种意见认为,把老百姓的事当做自己的事在操心,是一份市民的贴心报纸,另一种意见说:花一周的时间,动员 Take a week’s time to mobilize a variety of social forces, as an old man to find a denture, is this necessary? Spend so much effort and layout to cover an individual, occasional trifling, is not considered wasteful? “Hotline News ” answered with practice. On August 29, 30, and September 1, 2014, the Hangzhou City Express and the Hotline News reported for three consecutive days in three full page copies of a search for a denture for citizen Xu Dabo. From the very first day of publication of this series of reports, voices of controversy appeared in the newspapers and among social commentators. One opinion holds that it is a caring newspaper for citizens to regard their own affairs as their own affairs. Another opinion says that it takes a week to mobilize
绝大多数的人面临的评估问题主要来源于他们不知道哪些工作需要评估。经常有些人分不清整个评估内容的主次关系,这样就很容易导致最后的评估报告事无巨细、冗长繁琐。 The v
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ABC是英文中的一个单词,其复数形式为ABCs。它没有小写的形式,也不等于A,B,C。ABC一词在英文中有如下几种含义:1.指代“字母”或“字母表”,例如:Ican say m y ABC.(我会念字
[Objective] This study aimed to construct DNA fingerprint for hybrid rice cultivars those have been approved by Hunan Province. [Method] The primers which produ
IT出现事故后,让CIO下课成为很多企业的习惯做法, 但却少有企业关注CIO出局后的诸多问题。今年1月6日上午,国内某证券公司 After the IT accident, CIO get out of class in
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