十多年来,自己在部队的岁月里,留下了许多抹不去的记忆,而班长更是令人终生难忘。 入伍前,听说了许多关于部队新兵连的传闻,自己怀着一颗忐忑不安的心走进新训大队,因已是凌晨两点多钟,吃罢饭就倒在床上入睡了。第二天九点多钟,我被脸盆碰撞出的声音吵醒了,睁眼一看,班长拖过的水泥地干干净净,班长的被子叠的四方四正,床单铺的很平整。我急忙穿衣起床,不一会儿班长已给我们的脸盆中盛上热水,等待我们洗脸吃饭。
For more than a decade, I have left a lot of memories that I can not erase during the years of the armed forces, and the squad leader is even more unforgettable. Before he joined the army, he heard many rumors about recruits in the armed forces that he entered the new training brigade in a very uneasy heart. As it was already past two o’clock in the morning, he fell asleep in bed and fell asleep. The next day more than nine o’clock, I was awakened by the collision of the washbasin, eyes open and saw the monitor dragging the cement clean, squatting squad four squared, bed sheets are flat. I quickly get dressed, and soon the monitor has been filled with hot water in our washbasin, waiting for us to wash your face to eat.