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墨建平:33岁,1986年毕业于河北工学院,曾先后在核四院、新乐市建委工作,1992年任现职,省级优秀党务工作者。墨建平上台的第一件事是参加了一个反面现场会。他不是旁观者,而是主角,做检查。墨建平接手的是新乐市建筑工程总公司,该公司承揽了三河市一家企业的车间建筑工程,浇注的混凝土用手一掰,便似土坷垃一样松脆,这一掰,把公司掰上了《中国建设报》的头版,也把墨建平掰上了台。这是1992年,公司亏损300万元,2000余名职工无米下锅,经营难以为继。近几年建筑行业一直竞争比较激烈,尤其象一些实力不太雄厚的建筑公司,倒下了便很难再爬起。然而墨建平并没有丧失信心。为了揽到项目,让职工有活儿干,墨建平便日夜奔波在石家庄与新乐之间,不明真相的人一见车子出动,总又交头接耳地说:“嘿!老总又去花天酒地了。”1992年京深高速公路施工通过新乐地界,这是个千载难逢的好机会。墨建平立刻找到高速公路管理部门,表示了合作意向,也许是因为那篇《中国建设报》的头版, Mo Jianping: 33 years old, graduated from Hebei Institute of Technology in 1986, and worked successively in Nuclear IV Institute and Xinle City Construction Committee. In 1992, he was an incumbent and provincial outstanding party worker. Mo Jianping first came to power to participate in a negative on-site meeting. He is not a spectator, but the protagonist, check. Mexico Jianping took over the new music City Construction Engineering Corporation, the company contract Sanhe City, a business workshop construction, pouring concrete by hand a breaking off, it is like a rough rub as crisp, this breaking, the company breaking On the front page of “China Construction News”, also set off on the stage of Mexican Jianping. This is 1992, the company lost 3 million yuan, more than 2,000 workers without rice pot, unsustainable operation. In recent years, the construction industry has been fierce competition, especially as some less powerful real estate construction company, fell it is difficult to get up again. However, Mexico Jianping did not lose confidence. In order to embrace the project, so that employees have a job dry, ink Jianping day and night rush around in Shijiazhuang and the new music, people who know the truth out of the car sent out, always whispering to say: “Hey! CEOs went to spend days of alcohol . ”The Beijing-Shenzhen expressway construction passed the new music world in 1992, which is a golden opportunity. Mo Jianping immediately found the highway management department, said the intention to cooperate, perhaps because of the “China Construction News,” the front page,
CompactHigh┐performanceBulkOpticalIsolatorWANGLindou(DepartmentofElectronicEngineering,TianjinUniversity,Tianjin300072,China)... CompactHigh┐performanceBulkOpticalIsolatorWANGLindou (DepartmentofElectronicEngineering, TianjinUniversity, Tianjin300072, Ch
目的探讨大豆蛋白在正常饮食和高脂饮食状态下对大鼠脂代谢相关固醇调节元件结合蛋白(SREBP)基因表达水平的影响。方法 48只清洁级SD大鼠,按体重随机分为4组,分别喂饲含酪蛋
ADS931是16位1MHz采样A/D转换器。该器件可以精确地采样满量程输入。直到Nyquist频率,没有遗漏码。ADS931的动态性能已被优化,信噪比(SNR)为87dB,总的谐波失真(THD)为-89dB。图1ADS931功能框图封装为40... ADS  931 is a 16-bit