许多人特别是青年人追求交际形象完美无缺,交际关系和谐顺畅,交际方法精妙恰当。殊不知,这些都难以实现,勉力以求并不能如愿以偿,有的甚至弄出个适得其反的结局。 根据和原因何在?——人心曲曲弯弯水,世事重重叠叠山。 人各不相同,心理千差万别,交际是彼此的主动与受动。两个不同个体能完全契合、通融?世界没有两片相同的树叶! 交际情形复杂,而且时间上在运动,空间上各有独特形态。置身其中,老把式也有陌生和手足无措之感,谁有应对裕如、毫无差错的把握呢?否则
Many people, especially young people, pursue perfection in their communication images, their interpersonal relationships are harmonious and their communication methods are exquisite and appropriate. As everyone knows, these are hard to come by, and they can not do what they want and some even come to the opposite conclusion. According to the reasons and why? - People bent on the curve, the world stacked mountains. Different people, different psychological, communication is each other’s initiative and motivation. Two different individuals can fully fit, fuse? The world does not have the same two leaves! Communication situation is complex, and the time in the movement, the space has its own unique form. Exposure to them, the old style is also strange and know what to do, who has to deal with Yu, without any mistakes to grasp it? Otherwise