据《人民铁道》报道:2007年9月6日10时,青藏铁路西宁至格尔木段增建第二线工程动员大会在青藏铁路西宁至格尔木既有线100 km处的克土隧道西出口处举行。青藏铁路西宁至格尔木段既有线路东起青海省西宁市,西至格尔木市,全长834 km,是目前青藏高原对外联系的唯一铁路通道,是推动
According to “People’s Railway”: At 0900 on September 6, 2007, the second-line project mobilization meeting for the construction of Xining-Golmud section of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was held at the west exit of the Ketu Tunnel at Xining, Qinghai-Tibet Railway, to 100 km at Golmud’s existing route. The existing routes from Xining to Golmud on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway start from Xining City, Qinghai Province to the east and Golmud City to the west, with a total length of 834 km, which is the only railway passage connecting the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the outside world at present.