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2014年12月28日,由广东道道通投资发展有限公司为主体打造的广东道道通(国际)汽配城全球招商启动仪式盛大召开。活动当日迎来近800余名汽配行业商会、领导、商户代表及佛山市相关政府部门领导的关心与支持。各位来宾对广东道道通(国际)汽配城项目的定位规划、商业模式、运营策略等均表示肯定,对广东道道通(国际)汽配城项目投资价值给予了高度的肯定及认可。启动仪式上,广东道道通投资发展有限公司董事长代继强为大会致 On December 28, 2014, a grand opening ceremony of the global investment promotion ceremony for Guangdong Dao Tong (Auto) International Auto Parts City, which was mainly constructed by Guangdong Dao Tong Investment and Development Co., Ltd. was held. On the day of the event ushered in more than 800 auto parts industry associations, leaders, business representatives and Foshan government leaders concerned about the care and support. Ladies and gentlemen, we affirmed the positioning planning, business model and operation strategy of Guangdong Dao Tong (Auto) Auto Parts City, and highly affirmed and approved the investment value of Guangdong Dao Tong (Auto) Auto Parts City. At the launching ceremony, Dai Jijiang, chairman of Guangdong Dao Tong Investment and Development Co., Ltd., addressed the conference
摘要:根据知识型员工的特点,以及处于不同职业发展阶段的员工特性,分析其需求,构建多种激励机制,激发知识型员工的工作热情,挖掘知识型员工的潜力,提高企业的管理效率,为企业创造更大的价值。  关键词:知识型员工;需求;职业发展阶段  随着知识经济的崛起,高素质员工在企业中的比例越来越大,知识管理成为企业管理的新模式。知识的创造、利用和增值,资源的合理配置,获得企业的核心竞争力,都要靠知识的载体--知识