近年来,各行各业都开展了形式多样的“讲文明、树新风”活动,使文明新风荡漾在祖国大地。然而,在公共场所,仍存在一些与文明不合拍的现象,就像满园春色中飞进一只讨厌的苍蝇,给绚丽的色彩沾上了不应有的污迹。 济南交警的文明服务是全国交警学习的榜样,但是,却有少数市民和他们过不去,给他们热心的工作带来麻烦。交警在交通岗设置了便民箱,箱里的东西
In recent years, all walks of life have carried out various activities of “speaking civilizedly and freshly in the woods” in various forms so as to revitalize civilized new style in the motherland. However, in public places, there are still some incongruities with civilizations. It is like flying a nasty fly in the spring of the garden and smearing the gorgeous colors with unwanted stains. Civilized service Jinan traffic police is an example of the national traffic police study, but there are a handful of citizens and they can not go, give them enthusiastic work troubles. Traffic police set up in the traffic post convenience box, box of things