强化德育管理 探索德育途径

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青少年是祖国的未来,民族的希望。谁赢得了青少年,谁就赢得了未来。德育是素质教育的重要组成部分,是素质教育的核心和灵魂,也是实施素质教育的一个重要措施,更是把广大青少年学生培养成思想道德良好、政治态度鲜明,身心素质健康的“四有”新人的一项伟大基础工程。近年来,我校在江泽民总书记“以德治国”方略指引下,把德育放在学校工作首位,积极探索新形势下适合我校实际的德育工作新途径、新方法,初步形成了自己的特色,积累了一些经验。 Young people are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. Whoever wins the youth will win the future. Moral education is an important part of quality education, and it is the core and soul of quality education. It is also an important measure for the implementation of quality education. It is also the cultivation of a large number of young students into a “four ares” with good ideology and morality, a clear political attitude, and a healthy mental and physical quality. A great foundation project for newcomers. In recent years, under the general guidance of General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s “Ruling a Country with Morals,” the school has placed moral education at the top of school work, actively exploring new ways and methods for moral education in our university under the new situation, and has initially formed its own characteristics. Accumulated some experience.
Ecological safety is a major consideration in the commercialization of transgenic fish. Development of sterile transgenic triploid fish through hybridization of
一、引言合作学习是语文课程改革积极倡导的三种学习方式之一。《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》中专门提及合作学习 ,指出 :“鼓励合作学习 ,促进学生之间的相互交流
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The effects of probiotic Bacillus TC22 (isolated from intestine of infected sea cucumber) and prebiotic fructooligosaccharide (FOS) on growth, immunity and dise
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