From 1992 to 1994, 24 patients with local recurrence of rectal cancer were treated, including 3 with liver metastases, 2 with lung metastases, and 1 with lumbar metastases. Early local recurrence can be asymptomatic, or the main symptoms are mucopura, fecal thinning and changes in bowel habits, will reveal lumbosacral pain, perineal mass, hematuria, vaginal bleeding, lower extremity edema. CEA, pelvic CT scan, B-scan and isotope bone scan are important auxiliary examinations for the diagnosis of local recurrence. Periodic review after surgery is the key to early detection and diagnosis. On the treatment, 6 cases of APR were performed again, 3 cases of perineal masses were cut, and 3 cases of simple fistulas. There were 7 cases of local pelvic radiotherapy, 6 cases of intravenous chemotherapy, and 2 cases without treatment. The recurrence of rectal cancer is related to the first surgical operation and the biological behavior of the tumor. To clarify the diagnosis of local recurrence after rectal cancer surgery, to fight for reoperation, and second, consider pelvic radiotherapy and intravenous chemotherapy.