含SAM尖端结构域的E26转化特异性因子 (SAM pointed domain containing E26 transformation-specific transcription factor, SPDEF) 是ETS转录因子家族的重要成员.最初认为, 作为前列腺上皮特异性转录因子, SPDEF调控了前列腺的发育与前列腺癌的发生发展.然而, 新近研究发现呼吸系统也存在SPDEF表达, 对气道上皮的分化起核心作用, 尤其是杯状细胞的增生与化生.鉴于杯状细胞对于气道内环境的稳定至关重要, 深入理解SPDEF如何参与调控杯状细胞化生, 不仅有助于深化对气道异常分泌不同机制的认识, 还可为相关呼吸系统疾病的诊治提供新思路.本文通过对近年来SPDEF调控杯状细胞功能的系列研究进行综述, 为调控气道分泌新药的研发提供新思路.“,”The SAM pointed domain containing ETS transcription factor (SPDEF) is an important member of the E26 transformation-specific transcription factor family. SPDEF is initially identified in prostatic epithelium and considered to be involved in prostate development and prostate cancer progression. However, recent studies revealed that SPDEF is also expressed in the respiratory system.It is pretty crucial for the differentiation of airway epithelium, especially for the proliferation and metaplasia of goblet cells. Due to the importance of goblet cells in respiratory health, extended understanding of SPDEF function not only helps us to illuminate the mechanism of abnormal mucus secretion but also open new perspectives for the management of these related diseases. This review mainly focuses on the recent data which studied the role of SPDEF in goblet cell control, highlighting a novel profile of SPDEF as a new target in mucus secretion moderation.