
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyc657924564
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值此全国第六次水土保持工作会议召开之际,我谨向大会表示热烈的祝贺!并向在水土保持战线上辛勤工作的广大干部、职工和科技人员表示亲切问候!我国人口多、耕地少、土地后备资源不足,同时又是一个水土流失比较严重的国家.保护水土资源,使之永续利用,对于中华民族的生存和发展具有十分重要的意义.党中央、国务院一贯十分重视水土保持工作,并把它作为一项长期坚持的重要任务.40多年来,我国水土保持工作取得了很大成绩.但也应当看到,防治水土流失的任务还十分艰巨,各级政府要把水土保持工作纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,作为实现可持续发展的重大战略任务来抓.要统一规划,突出重点,坚持不懈地抓下去,一片一片地把它搞好.要充分调动广大群众的积极性,把改善生态环境与帮助群众脱贫致富紧密结合起来.要认真贯彻执行水土保持法,加强水土保持监督管理,切实控制人为水土流失扩大的趋势.到本世纪末,防治水土流失的工作要取得明显的成效. On the occasion of the convening of the Sixth National Conference on Soil and Water Conservation occasion, I would like the Assembly to express warm congratulations! Cadres and hard work on water and soil conservation front, workers and scientists cordial greetings! China’s large population, limited arable land lack of land reserve resources, but it is also a serious erosion of the country. Protect Water resources to make sustainable use, for the survival and development of the Chinese nation has great significance. the State Council has always attached great importance to water and soil conservation And take it as a long-term important task .40 years of great achievements have been made in soil and water conservation in our country, but it should also be noted that the task of soil and water loss prevention and control is still extremely arduous, and all levels of government should make efforts in soil and water conservation into the national economic and social development plans, as a major strategic task for achieving sustainable development. unified planning, focus, perseverance grasp it, piece by piece it do a good job. to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses, the To improve the ecological environment and help the masses to get out of poverty and get close together.We should conscientiously implement the Law of Soil and Water Conservation, strengthen soil and water Maintain supervision and management, and effectively control man-made trends in the expansion of soil and water loss. By the end of this century, remarkable achievements have been made in efforts to prevent soil and water loss.
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除去累赘 理查·J·赖德是英国当代著名的作家。 有一年,理查和一群好友相约,到东非赛伦盖平原去探险。当时正逢东非遭受严重旱灾,赤地千里,酷热难耐。摆在理查和他的朋友
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