一、训练重点联想和想象二、训练要求 1.分清什么是联想,什么是想象,理解联想和想象在写作中的作用; 2.学习运用联想和想象的手法表达思想内容,抒发思想感情。三、知识要领 1.联想和想象的联系和区别。联想和想象都是心理过程,在写作活动中,联想和想象往往结合起来运用,不是截然分开的。联想是由此时此地此类事物想到彼时彼地彼类事物。由这一个想到另一个。而想象则是人们在原有感性形象的基础上,创造出新形象的心理过程。 2.联想和想象的表达作用。可以使文章内容丰富、充实,使文章主题鲜明、突出,使所写的形象具体、生动,使作者感情得以充分抒发。
First, the training focus on association and imagination Second, training requirements 1. Distinguish what is association, what is imagination, understand the role of association and imagination in writing; 2. Learning to use associative and imaginative techniques to express ideological content, express thoughts and feelings. Third, knowledge essentials 1. Association and imagination of the connection and difference. Both association and imagination are psychological processes. In writing activities, association and imagination are often combined and used, and not completely separated. Lenovo thinks of such things from here and now to other things. Think of another one from this one. Imagination is the psychological process of creating new images based on the original perceptual image. 2. The role of association and imagination. The articles can be enriched and enriched, the theme of the article is clear and prominent, and the written image is concrete and vivid, enabling the author’s feelings to be fully expressed.