原发性冷凝集素综合征较少见,国内1963年杨天楹报告一例冷抗体型自身免疫性溶贫以来,以后才陆续有报道。本文报告一例如下: 病史摘要陈某,女性,35岁,农民,住院号:96926。住本省肥东县定光公杜大郢队。患者于三月前,每餐后上腹作胀,但无嗳气返酸,在无意中发现左上腹有一拳头大小的“痞块”,多处求治无效而于1985年2月27日入院。既往史:近十年来,每到寒冷季节,身体暴露部位尤其指端、鼻尖、口唇、耳廓等处呈紫绀,并有轻度疼痛和麻木感,天暖季
Primary cold agglutinin syndrome is rare, the domestic 1963 Yang Tianqi reported a cold antibody-resistant autoimmune Poverty, since after another reported. This article reports an example as follows: a summary of medical history Chen, female, 35 years old, farmer, hospital number: 96,926. Live in the province Feidong Dingguang du Da team. Patients before March, abdomen after each meal for inflation, but no gas back to acid, inadvertently found a fist-sized left abdomen of the “lumps of the abdomen,” many seeking treatment invalid and in February 27, 1985 admission. Past history: In the past ten years, every cold season, the exposed parts of the body especially the fingertips, nose, lips, auricles and other places were cyanotic, and mild pain and numbness, the warm days