1.农谚的发生与出现劳动人民惯常以谚语、歌谣或其他便於流传的话语的形式来把自己所见、所闻、所感、所经历的实践(主要是农业实践)加以总结。这裏边有经验(可让後辈学习、推广与发扬);也有教训(可让後辈警惕、少走弯路) 举几个例子吧! 如:“好儿要好娘,好稻要好秧”;“秧田拔根草,冬至吃一饱等就是很有价值的经验; 如:“夏至不耕扳,年成对半减”;“养牲口不垫欄,等於閒着玩”等就是很有意义的教训; 如:“丝瓜靠南墙,一定强;丝瓜靠北墙,一定丧”是经验,同时又是教训。这些有指导性的谚语、歌谣和其他便於流传的话语就是通常所谓的农谚、农谣与俗语。远在文字发明以前,当人们开始经营农业的时候,由於社会的需要,农谚、农谣、俗语就发生、出现了。长期的农业实践积累了、丰富了与发展了农谚、农谣与俗语;因此,我们现在拥有为数极多而有科学价值的农谚、农谣与俗语。 2.农谚的教育与教养意义许多优秀的教师都侭可能的在利用农谚、农谣与俗语来进行教学;这不是偶然的。因为他们深知:通过农谚、农谣与俗语来进行教育,可以收到深刻的教育性与教养性的效果。现
1. The Occurrence and Appearing of Farming Proverbs The working people used to summarize the experiences (mainly agricultural practices) they had seen, heard, felt and experienced in the form of proverbs, ballads or other easy-to-spread discourses. Here are the experiences (junior students can learn, promote and carry forward); there are lessons (let the younger guard, take detours) to name a few examples: such as: “good children should be good mother, good rice is good seedling”; “Su Yang grass, winter solstice eat full and so on is a very valuable experience; such as:” Summer Solstice not pull pull, paired with half years “;” raising livestock does not pad bar, equal to idle play “and so is very meaningful Such as: ”loofah by the south wall, must be strong; loofah by the north wall, must be funeral" is the experience, but also a lesson from these guiding proverbs, ballads and other easy to spread the discourse is the so-called agricultural proverbs, Before the invention of the word, when people began to run agriculture, due to the needs of society, agricultural proverbs, agricultural rhymes and idioms came into being and appeared.Long-term agricultural practices accumulated and enriched and developed the agricultural proverbs, Therefore, we now have a great number of agricultural proverbs, agricultural rhymes, and proverbs which are of scientific value. 2. Education and Upbringing of Farming Proverbs Many excellent teachers are likely to use farmer proverbs, folk rhymes and idioms Doing this is not accidental because of them I am well aware that education through farmer proverbs, agricultural rhymes and proverbs can receive profound educational and corrective effects.