汾西矿业集团高阳矿的史国雄,在矿区称得上是“知名人士”。他凭着一股顽强拼搏、吃苦耐劳、刻苦钻研的精神,带领一班二十余名职工,在百米井下攻下了一个又一个难关,创下了一个又一个佳绩,一举刷新了该矿掘进记录,所带班组连年被评为先进班组。1998年他被评为矿劳模,连年被评为矿先进,2003年又获得全国煤炭工业优秀班组长称号。人们为他的敬业精神所折服,他的事迹也在百里矿区广为流传。 史国雄是个爱较真的人。“没有过不去的火焰山”,是他常挂在嘴边的一句话。1996年6月,掘三队在6107运巷施工,工作面属沿空送巷,7°下山,涌水量在40m~3/h,施工难度相当大。别人望而却步,他却提出要承包施工。施工中,他与技术员相互探讨,在高阳矿首次使用了沿空送巷锚杆支护新技术。艰苦的施工中,涌出的水淹到了半腿,手握钻机的他一干就是几个小时。榜样的力量是无穷的。在他
Shi Guoxiong of the Gaoyang Mine of the Luxi Mining Group is a “celebrity” in the mining area. With a tenacious spirit of hard work and hard work, he led a group of more than 20 workers and captured one difficulty after another in the 100-meter well, setting a new record for success, refreshing the mine in one fell swoop. Record, the class team led was rated as an advanced team in successive years. In 1998, he was awarded as a model of mining labor and was awarded the title of advanced mining in recent years. In 2003, he was awarded the title of leader of the National Outstanding Class of Coal Industry. People were impressed by his professionalism and his deeds were widely circulated in the Bari mining area. Shi Guoxiong is a true lover. “No lingering flame mountain” is a word he often hangs around. In June 1996, the third excavation team was working on the 6107 transport lane. The working face was sent along the empty lane and descended at 7°. The water inflow was 40m~3/h. The construction difficulty was quite large. Others were discouraged, but he proposed to contract for construction. During the construction, he and the technicians explored each other and used the new technology of bolting along the air lane for the first time in Gaoyang Mine. In the hard construction, the water that poured out flooded into a half-leg. He took a handful of rigs for a few hours. The power of example is endless. In his