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  【Abstract】English speaking and writing both embody the students’ English proficiency and thinking skills. Scaffolding Instruction is a teaching mode which can provide appropriate assistance when the learners are faced difficulties during the learning. In this paper, first the overview of Scaffolding Instruction will be discussed. Then the application of Scaffolding Instruction in classroom teaching will be introduced based on a case analysis of an English speaking and writing lesson.
  【Key words】Scaffolding Instruction; English speaking and writing; Effectiveness.
  1. Introduction
  Scaffolding instruction is an advanced pedagogical skill based on the theories of Constructivism, Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development (ZPD) and his Sociocultural theory. It is studied and applied widely and is attested effective and useful. Besides, the basic teaching principles of scaffolding instruction are fit for the basic requirements in the new national English curriculum in china. And scaffolding instruction is applied in English class, such as speaking, writing, reading, listening and so on. This paper mainly discuss the effectiveness of scaffolding instruction by observing a lesson of English speaking and writing in senior high school, which makes it clear that different types of scaffolding has important impact on English lesson. Moreover, some reflection about the scaffolding instruction will be mentioned.
  2. Scaffolding Instruction
  Wood, Bruner, and Ross first use the term scaffolding in the article The Role of Tutoring in Problem Solving, Which is one of the primal instructional contexts. Scaffolding is described as “a process that enables a child or novice to solve a problem, carry out a task or achieve a goal which would be beyond his unassisted effort” (Wood, Bruner, Ross, 1976). In the pedagogical activities, scaffolding is a teaching strategy where the learners and teacher collaborate in problem-solving activities with the teacher’s instruction, such as support, input, guidance and demonstrations and the learners can solve problem independently.
  In pedagogical activities, there are different types of scaffoldings. Scaffoldings cover emotional scaffoldings, knowledge scaffoldings, organization scaffoldings, strategy scaffoldings and information scaffoldings. Not only the knowledge, but also the emotion of the students should be concerned in the learning process. And later, according to Chunling, scaffoldings also have different types such as context scaffoldings, content scaffoldings, language scaffoldings, structure scaffoldings and emotional scaffoldings (Shao, 2015).   3. Classroom Description and Evaluation
  This Lesson is selected from High school English video lesson selection in 2015 in Guangdong Province and it won the first prize. This lesson lasts for 40 minutes. The teacher, Zhang Meiling, is from Dongguan Tangxia school. Her students are in Class3, Grade 2. The teaching material is Unit4 Wildlife Protection in New Senior English for China, Book 2.This is a speaking and writing lesson. In this lesson, the teacher provides many scaffolding for the students, which achieves a good teaching effect.
  3.1 Providing context scaffoldings
  Teaching Clip 1:Lead-in (enjoy a wonderful performance)
  Before the class, the teacher asks the students to enjoy a wonderful performance, which is acted by the students. There are director, father bear, mother bear, baby bear, hunter, chief cook and interviewer. 5 students perform in front of the class. After the performance, the teacher raises some questions:“What kind of animals is mentioned in the play? What happened to them? Could you tell me some other endangered animals? ”The teacher provides such a suitable context scaffolding for the students so that the students can understand better the situation of the endangered animals and they also have a strong desire to express their opinions about this topic.
  3.2 Providing content scaffoldings
  Teaching Clip 2: Speaking (discussion)
  Before task2, the teacher asks students to discuss Q1:Why are they in danger? and Q2: What can we do to protect endangered animals? From these two questions, the students will be required to brainstormed many ideas in group. And later, the teacher shows a more detailed mind map and some useful suggestions for the students. As we mentioned above, this activity embodies the scaffolding instruction that scaffoldings of information and knowledge are the center. The two elements consist of the essential part of scaffolding. Information and knowledge are the necessary in the learning process.
  3.3 Providing language scaffoldings
  Teaching Clip 3:(Writing)
  During the writing part, the teacher gives students some useful sentences for the beginning and the ending of the letter. And the students try to use these different useful sentences in their wiring. The teacher provide such language scaffoldings so the students can choose the sentences they like in their writing, which helps them to develop their writing skills.
  3.4 Providing structure scaffoldings   Teaching Clip 4:(Writing)
  In this part, the teacher firstly ask students what type of this writing is and then the students figure it out it’s a letter for suggestion. It will help the students to cultivate the discourse awareness by knowing the type of the writing. And then the teacher asks the students about the start, the ending, the body of the letter so that the students try to think out some discourse markers. The students will master the structure of the letter, which includes the purpose, problem, reason, suggestion, hopes. The teacher then shows some linking words and transition sentences. After the teacher provides the structure scaffoldings, the students can start to write easily.
  3.5 Providing emotional scaffoldings
  Teaching Clip 5: (writing)
  At the end of the wring task, the teacher instructs the students that “Animals are our friends, to protect them is to protect ourselves” The students remember this and cultivate a proper attitude toward wild life protection. Besides, the teacher set some group work activities to cultivate team work spirit. As we mentioned above, this activity embodies that not only the knowledge, but also the emotion of the students should be concerned in the learning process. If the students have no interests on the topic they will learn, then any kind of scaffolding is fruitless.
  4. Conclusion
  Scaffolding instruction is a bright way in English speaking and writing in the daily teaching activities. In English class, reasonable and appropriate instruction should be designed. A reasonable instruction can promote the autonomic learning, which is of great help for the students’ learning, especially for their English writing. Real situation, proper context, some related materials should be provided to the students to solve task in class activities. The teacher should create a comfortable environment for the students to explore and analyze the problem. Besides that, the teacher should also provide some questions to stimulate and enlighten the students’ thoughts.
  [1]David Wood,Jerome S.Bruner,Gail Ross.1976.The Role of Tutoring in Problem Solving,Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press.
  [2]A.Walqui.2006.Quality teaching with English language leanness:What does it entail ? Keynote presentation to the annual conference of the National Association fro Bilingua Education,Phoenix,AZ
【摘要】随着人民群众日益增加的物质文化需求与逐步放开的“二孩”政策,在未来几十年,少儿教师的需求量将呈现急剧增长态势,尤其是对英语教师和艺术教师的需求表现出突出的渴求。那么,将少儿英语教育与艺术教育相融合既可以满足未来的发展需求,也更为符合儿童身心发展规律。因此,少儿艺术英语的开设应运而生,本文将三个方面探讨该专业人才培养模式的可行性,并为其专业核心课程体系的构建提供理论依据。  【关键词】少儿英
【摘要】随着我国经济的飞速发展,尤其是在“一带一路”战略背景下的经济形势的不断变化,传统的英语专业人才培养模式不断受到挑战,教学改革势在必行。本文通过分析英语专业传统培养模式的弊端,探讨“一带一路”背景下英语人才的需求特点,并提出解决办法,为“一带一路”背景下的复合型英语人才培养提供有效策略。  【关键词】一带一路;英语人才;培养策略  【作者简介】白晶(1978-),女,哈尔滨人,哈尔滨金融学院
【摘要】错误分析是第二语言习得的一个重要的研究领域,本文从语际错误和语内错误两个角度分析了学生定语从句运用中的常见问题。发现学生语法规则记忆不熟、汉语习惯套用、目标结构分析不足等问题。为此对高中语法教学提出一些建议:1.教师应注重语法教学的多样性和思维性,培养学生意识深处的英汉双向对应系统;2.高中生要通过大量记忆训练来培养语感,通过句法分析深化句型结构理解。  【关键词】错误分析 高中英语语法教
新课程的课堂教学要由传统的知识性教学转向现代化的发展性教学。近期我就一直在思考着一个问题“什么样的课才算一节好课?”,有幸的是不久前我听取了我校三位教师带来的课题为7A Unit7 Shopping Integrated skills的同课异构的三节课,这是一节七年级的综合技能课。听完三节课,冥冥之中我好像得到了答案。这个答案正是其中一位老师留给我最深刻的几点感受。笔者总结为一节好的英语课应该具备
【摘要】多媒体作为一种课堂教学工具手段,在课堂教学中日益突现其重要性,它以其大容量、多信息、多趣味和高效率的优越性不断地征服着我们每一位学生和老师,使我们的课堂和教学发生了可喜的变化,本文就如何巧妙地使用多媒体,让其成为高效英语课堂教学的左右手进行了论述。  【关键词】多媒体;高效课堂;左右手  【作者简介】阮筱丹,浙江省台州市洪家中学。  如今,多媒体的教学已深入人心,它以其大容量、多信息、多趣
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【摘要】变调属语流音变的一种情况,汉语中的某些音节在一定的语流中会发生一定的变调现象。文章将对现代汉语中常见的五种变调特征进行举例分析,使汉语学习者更加清楚地了解现代汉语的变调现象。  【关键词】现代汉语;变调;调值  【作者简介】葛瑞红,湖北工业大学外国语学院副教授,研究方向:跨文化交际,对外汉语教学。  我们用语言进行交际时,总是一个音紧接着一个音说,各个音连续不断,从而形成了长短不等的一段段
【Abstract】In senior high school English courses, the textbook system is very rigorous and standard. Many concepts and theorems are very abstract and logical. At the same time, the difficulty of knowle