Experimental Measurement of Both Kinetic and Total Mass Transfer Between Two Electromagnetically Sti

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:west_fox
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In ladle metallurgical processing,two liquid layers,a metallic layer below a salty or oxide layer,are separated by an interface where mass exchanges occur by the way of a redox reaction.The mass transfer associated with such reaction is strongly dependent on the agitation of each phase as well of their interface.We use an experimental system able to melt separately metal and salt.Once these elements are molten a sampling system is used.The experimenter chooses the sampling times.Finally,the collected samples and the final metal and salt ingots are analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy(ICP-AES).During the experiments,both temperature and,intensity and frequency of the inducting current,are measured.Comparisons on experimental results are done varying the induction as well as the transferred element. In ladle metallurgical processing, two liquid layers, a metallic layer below a salty or oxide layer, are separated by an interface where mass exchanges occur by the way of a redox reaction. The mass transfer associated with such reaction is strongly dependent on the agitation of each phase as well of their interface. We use an experimental system able to melt separately metal and salt. Once these elements are molten a sampling system is used. experimenter chooses the sampling times. Finally, the collected samples and the final metal and salt ingots are analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES). During the experiments, both temperature and, intensity and frequency of the inducting current, are measured. Comparisons on experimental results are done varying the induction as well as the transferred element .
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