党过七十岁生日那一天爷爷说他想回一趟延安 再看看枣园的灯光亮 再尝尝延河的河水甜可不争气的双腿啊 让他好梦a难圆 纵横的老泪 模糊了望穿时空的眼拉住那岁月风干的手 我用心 承诺── 等我成为党员那一天 我就是你的腿 我就是你的眼沿着多少年爷爷无数次描画过的路线梦中
Day of the party’s seventieth birthday Grandpa said he would like to go back and visit Yanan Zaoyuan and then look at the lights and then enjoy the Yan River water can be disappointing legs ah let him dream a hard vertical and horizontal tears of confusion Looked through the eyes of time and space pull the hand that year dried hands I promise - ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ wait for me to become a party that day I am your leg I is your eyes along the number of years my grandfather drawn numerous routes dream