
来源 :时代英语(初中) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windflyness
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One artist has re-created the childhood favorites to show how they might look if they were elderly movie stars.有位艺术家二次创作了我们童年时代最喜欢的卡通人物,来展示如果他们变成了垂垂老矣的影星可能会是什么样子的。Los Angeles-based animator and illustrator Andrew Tarusov has come up with the series of drawings depicting the likes of Bugs and Lola Bunny at 77 and Tom and Jerry at 66. One artist has re-created the girl’s life to show how they might look if they were elderly movie stars. One of the artists created the cartoon characters of our childhood again to show that if they become old-fashioned What a movie star might look like Los Angeles-based animator and illustrator Andrew Tarusov has come up with the series of drawings depicting the likes of Bugs and Lola Bunny at 77 and Tom and Jerry at 66.
医疗改革 ,不只是经济上的改革 ,而实际上是包含着医疗方针政策上的改革。使广大医务工作者的聪明才智得到充分的发挥 ,使广大民众得到医疗卫生保健的实惠。因此 ,必须动员广
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
At the beginning of my speech,I want to show you a picture.Please look at this picture and try to think about my question:“Where is the apple?”You may have yo
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