17世纪的科学革命是对古希腊哲学的回归。当代的科学革命则将是对东方古典哲学的回归。创建具有中国特色的有机论辩证唯物主义地学哲学 ,应该并必须从我国古代有机论自然观中吸取丰富的营养。这不仅可填补地学哲学史学研究的空白 ,对地学哲学的学科建设亦有新的重要启迪。天地生整体生成演进论、天地生层次功能论、天地生自相似论等的探讨 ,有利于新的宇宙观和地球观的树立。也将大大丰富地学哲学的科学概念 ,更能充分地武装地学哲学学科的理论体系
The scientific revolution in the 17th century is a return to ancient Greek philosophy. Contemporary scientific revolution will be the return of oriental classical philosophy. To create the organic dialectical materialism geo-philosophy with Chinese characteristics should and must draw abundant nutrition from the ancient organic view of nature in our country. This not only can fill the blank of geo-philosophical history, but also has a new important inspiration to the discipline construction of geo-philosophy. The study of the evolution of the whole earth and of the Earth, the theory of the earth and the earth, the self-similar theory of heaven and earth, and so on are conducive to the establishment of a new cosmology and the concept of the earth. It will also greatly enrich the scientific concept of learning philosophy and fully arm the theoretical system of philosophy of geology