乳糜腹水成因繁多,然由肝硬化引起者则较少见,本文报告2例。例1 男性,51岁,1983年12月22日因腹胀、纳差加重入院。缘患者于1981年确诊为肝炎后肝硬化伴腹水,病情反复,曾辗转4次住外院,6次抽腹水(2次为乳糜液、4次为草绿色漏出液),拟诊为腹腔结核,经抗结核治疗无效转入我院。入院后检查:消瘦、肝病容,双手肝掌、前胸及项部见蜘蛛痣,心肺无特殊。腹部高度膨隆,腹壁静脉曲张,肝脾触诊不满意,水波感及移动性浊音阳性。实验室检查:黄疸指数4u,麝浊6u,SGPT215u,
There are many causes of chylous ascites, but those caused by cirrhosis are rare, this article reports 2 cases. Example 1 Male, 51 years old, December 22, 1983 due to abdominal distension, anadmission increased admission. Patients with cirrhosis of the liver in 1981 were diagnosed as cirrhosis of the liver with ascites, his condition was repeated, had been removed four times outside the hospital, ascites 6 times (2 times as chylomicrone, 4 times for the green leachate), diagnosed as abdominal tuberculosis, Anti-TB treatment invalid transferred to our hospital. Post-admission examination: weight loss, liver disease, hands palms, chest and neck see spider nevus, no special cardiopulmonary. Abdominal height bulging, abdominal varicose veins, palpation of liver and spleen unsatisfactory, water wave and mobility dullness positive. Laboratory tests: jaundice index 4u, musk turbidity 6u, SGPT215u,