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2010年经济社会发展的四大预期目标●国内生产总值增长8%左右●城镇新增就业900万人以上,城镇登记失业率控制在4.6%以内●居民消费价格涨幅3%左右●国际收支状况改善中央财政拟安排保障性住房专项补助资金632亿元,比上年增加81亿元。建设保障性住房300万套,各类棚户区改造住房280万套。 The four major goals of economic and social development in 2010 ● GDP growth of about 8% ● More than 9 million new jobs in cities and towns, registered urban unemployment rate of 4.6% or less ● Consumer prices rose about 3% ● Balance of Payments Situation Improvement The Central Government plans to arrange a special fund of 63.2 billion yuan for subsidized housing, an increase of 8.1 billion yuan over the previous year. Construction of affordable housing 3000000 sets, all kinds of shantytowns reconstruction housing 2800000 sets.
“Conundrum”一词中文一般译为“双关语”、“双关谜语”或“谜语”。《牛津英语大辞典》解释为:a pun or word-play depending on similarity of sound inwords of differ
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