ERP 在各路英雄的呐喊之下,终于在中国大地掀起一股热浪。这些同样标明“ERP”的产品,好象同宗不同种的兄弟,虽用同一姓氏,却各有各的脾性,每人的长相也不相同。不和睦的时候,还会互相指责,口诛笔伐,令企业客户们如坠五里雾中。尤其是现在,就在许多企业都开始研究 ERP 问题的时候,“恰逢其时”地爆出了 ERP 实施失败的官司。各界评论骤起,企业开始游移不定,ERP 再次遭遇信任危机。
ERP cry in various heroes, finally set off a heat wave in the land of China. These also labeled “ERP” products, as if the same breed of brother, although the same surname, but each have their own temperament, each looks different. When discord, but also blame each other, vocal opposition, so that corporate customers such as fog fall. Especially now, just as many companies are beginning to study ERP issues, “just in time” broke the lawsuit that ERP has failed. Commentary from all walks of life rises suddenly, the enterprise begins to swim undecided, ERP once again encounters the trust crisis.