Mining of lead, zinc and silver ores in Mount Isa Mine Co. began in 1925 with a short shutdown during World War II. Copper mines have been mined since 1953 and copper ore is now mined only from the large, deep 1100 ore body and from 1967 the ore was recovered from this ore body. Lead, zinc and silver ores are mined from about 20 steeply slabbed slabs of unequal thickness and spacing from the lower level. Some of these ore bodies have been produced for two decades. In the 1100 ore body, the initial production was taken from a regular grid of staged stopes with vertical walls along the entire ore body height. These mined-out fields are subsequently filled with waste rock cements to utilize recovery pillars. Mining of pillars includes the use of sub-caving methods in the case of waste rock fill, large blasting or large blasting and the mining method of releasing ore under waste rock fill. The method of mining a lead orebody depends on its width and the stability of the surrounding rock, but includes the use of a segmented open field method or a mechanized stratified filling method for recovering vertical strands. Recovery of pillars between the open fields is carried out by the sub-caving method of releasing ore under waste rock fill or the open-field method using a large blasting. The former is filled with non-cemented waste rock and the latter requires cemented hydraulic filling. Stratified filling method for the exploitation of narrow ore body requires regular operation of water sand filling. One area of particular interest in filling methods is the grading of waste gravel from the quarry to the mined-out site and the substitution of copper-reflecting slag for part of Portland cement used in cemented hydraulic filling . The central issue of filling research lies in determining the nature of the cementing waste rock fill and developing computer program stress analyzes to predict the cementing properties. Research to increase the use of copper reflective slags and to develop an in-celled cement filler system that pumps aggregates of less than 25 mm has also been conducted.