Great Expectation(Ⅱ)

来源 :语数外学习·八年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:victorcaijun
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  I had no idea that a horrible event wouldhappen that would completely destory my hopes and dreams. Events which had begun before I ever met her were slowly reaching their ends.
  Herbert and I had moved to live in rooms in a house by the river, in the Temple area of London. He was abroad on business one evening when I was alone at home, reading. The weather was terrible,stormy and wet,and the streets were covered with deep mud. The wind rushing up the river shook the house. As I finished reading and closed my book at eleven o’clock, I heard a heavy footstep on the stairs. I went to the door with my lamp and saw a man coming slowly upstairs. He was about sixty and was wearing rough clothes.He had a brown face andlong gray hair. What both surprised and frightened me was that he was holding out both hands to me.
  I was polite but cold. “Can I help you ?” I asked.
  “Ah!Yes,” he said and dropped his hands.“Yes,I’ll explain.” He entered into the sitting room and looked admiringly at my furniture and books. Then he held out his hands to me again,but I would not take them. He sat down in a chair, rubbed his eyes with one rather dirty hand, and looked at me.
  “Ah,”he said, “it’s disappointing,it is. I’ve looked forward to this day for so long, I have. Still it’s not your fault. Is there anybody near who can hear us?”
  “Why are you,a stranger, asking me that question?” I asked. Then I knew who he was! In spite of all the years that had passed, I was certain that he was my prisoner! When he held out his hands again, I took them. He raised my hands to his lips and kissed them.
  “I’ve never forgotten how you helped me all those years ago, Pip!” He tried to put his arms around me,but I stopped him.
  “If you are still grateful for what I did in my childhood,then I hope you have changed your bad ways and improved your way of life now. Why have you come here to thank me ? It wasn’t necessary.You mustunderstandthat... ” Istopped speaking when I noticed how he was staring at me with his mouth open.
  “What is it I must understand?” he asked,his eyes fixed on me.
  “That you and I met once in the past,but I don’t wish to be your friend.Our lives are separate. Do you want to have a drink before you leave?” I noticed that his eyes were full of tears. “I’m sorry if I sound too hard.” I added. “I didn’t mean to be. Let’s hope for good luck in your future!”We drank together. “Where have you been living recently?”
  “I escaped from the prison-ship,as you know, so I was sent to Australia. After several years I finished my punishment,and so I was allowed to work for myself. I did every kind of job there. I made a lot of money, but it was a hard life.”
  “I’m glad to hear that you were successful.”I said.“That reminds me—I have the two pounds you sent me long ago.Thank you but I don’t need it now.”I handed him two new pound notes from my purse. Then he held the notes over the lamp until they caught fire.
  “May I ask,” he said, “how it is you’ve done so well since I met you on those lonely wetlands?” I began to shake,and he fixed his eyes on mine.
  “I—I’ve been chosen to receive a fortune so that I may become a gentleman,”I whispered.
  “I’d like to guess how much,”said the prisoner. “Could it be, perhaps, five hundred pounds a year?” I stood up quickly,holding on to the back of my chair withmy heart beating likea hammer. I felt my entire world move.
  “Is your agent,”he continued, “is he perhaps a lawyer by the name of Jaggers?”
  Suddenly, I knew the awful truth about my fortune.I could neither speak nor breathe, and I fell onto the sofa. Bringing his worn, old face close to mine, he bent over me .
  “Yes, Pip, dear boy, you’ve guessed the truth that I’m the person who made a gentleman of you !You see, while I was in Australia I promised myself that all the money I earned should go to you —I’m your second father,Pip!I didn’t go to school and I’ m not a gentleman myself,but I’ve got you, Pip !Just look what a gentleman you are, and the education and books you have !One day you’ll read them to me, Pip, even if I can’t understand them !Didn’t you ever think that I could be the person sending you the money?”
  “Oh, no, no, no.” I replied. “Never,never!Wasn’t anyone else involved?”
  “No, just me, and Jaggers. Dear boy,I want you to understand that I kept myself going just by thinking of you,I promised myself I’d come back to England one day and see you grown into a gentleman.”He laid his hand on my shoulder. “Find a bed for me to sleep in,”he said , “And this is themost important—not a word to anybody! I’ll be hanged ifthey know I’ve come back. Remember I was sent away for life.”
  I was horribly confused. A man whom I could not like,who had paid for my education and luxuries for years, had come to see me, even though it meant he was putting his life in danger.My whole body shook with disgust when he touched me, but I also had to protect him.
  He slept in Herbert’s room. I carefully locked all the doors and then sat weakly down by the fire, trying to make sense of my life. How foolish my dreams now seemed!Miss Havisham had never wanted to make me rich. And she had no plans to let me marry Estella. But what was worse was that this prisoner,who could be caught and hanged at any moment, was the reason I had left my life with Joe and Biddy. I knew I could never, never, never forgive myself for that.
  他睡在赫伯特的房间里。在小心地锁上所有的门后,我无力地坐在火旁,想着我生活的意义 。我的梦想现在看起来是多么愚蠢!郝薇香小姐从没有打算使我富有,也没有打算把艾丝黛拉嫁给我。可是,比这更糟的是,因为这个随时会被抓住绞死的犯人,我放弃了与乔和毕蒂在一起生活。为这个事我永远都不会,永远不会,永远不会原谅我自己。
  (春奕 选译)
Do you need money? Write a letter to Mr. Percy Ross.__1__ he will give you some money.  Mr. Ross is a __2__ man, and he likes to give people money. __3__ does he give people money? People write letter
在英语中有许多的固定搭配,其中有些固定搭配的用法非常灵活,同学们在使用时要特别注意。现在我们大家一起来闯闯“”这一固定搭配意义、用法关。    一、基本意义  “”的基本意义是“太……而不能……”,因而它虽是肯定结构表示的却是否定意义。其基本结构为:“too+形容词(副词)+to+动词原形 ”,这里的too可不能用very或quite来代替哟。请看例句:
Patty Hansen  Once upon a time there was a great man who married the woman of his dreams. With their love, they created a little girl. She was a bright and cheerful little girl and the great man loved
一、take 表示乘(坐)某种交通工具。例如:  He takes a bus to go to school every day.   他每天乘公共汽车上学。  [特别提示] take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语。例如:  Mr Smith often takes a train to work.   史密斯先生经常乘火车上班。    二、t
从前,一家兄弟三人为谋生背井离乡,为了年迈的爹娘,他们什么样的累活都干.  一天,二哥看到三弟实在体力不支,便对他说:“你就少干一点儿吧,只要挣到我所挣的一半就行了.”  在旁边的大哥看到二弟这样体贴三弟,深受感动,接着说:“我看,我得多干一点儿,我每天挣的钱一定要达到你们二人挣的总数.”  就这样,三个人辛辛苦苦地干了几个月的活儿,从谈话那天起,共积累了三千多个铜钱,就回家过年去了.  三个人只
一、选择题(每小题4分,共40分)  1.下列四组根式中,是同类二次根式的一组是().  A. 和2B. 3和3  C. 和 D. 和  2.要使代数式有意义,那么实数的取值范围是().  A. 1<≤5 B. <1或≥ 5 C. ≤1或≥ 5 D. <1或>5  3.以线段 = 13、 = 13、 = 10、 = 6为边作梯形,其中、为梯形的两底,这样的梯形().  A. 能作一个B. 能作两个
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