Computer simulation plays a very important role in the design of various types of accelerators. For example, computer simulations quickly determine the optimum operating parameters and required optical conditions for each part of the accelerator, making the design of a complex beam-transport system of an accelerator a simple task. The TRANSPORT program is one of the best programs in the world for beam transport calculations. However, the program can not calculate the electrostatic accelerator ion optical system, nor can it be used as a linear accelerator particle dynamics calculation. To this end, LEADS program was introduced from Peking University, which not only has the advantages of TRANSPORT program, but also overcomes its shortcomings. Simulation of accelerator particle dynamics with a beam-streamer system is a new feature of the LEADS program. In the experiment, the LEADS program was used to simulate the beam transport of a 200 keV DC / pulsed neutron generator. The transverse phase diagram, longitudinal phase diagram and beam envelope diagram were obtained. The LMOV program is also used to calculate and verify the bunching system. The pulse waveform of the beam is very close to the experimental results.