Comparative Effects of Avoidance and Immunization on Epidemic Spreading in a Dynamic Small-World Net

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aabbccdd654321
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Considering the actual behavior of people’s short-term travel,we propose a dynamic small-world community network model with tunable community strength which has constant local links and time varying long-range jumps.Then an epidemic model of susceptible-infected-recovered is established based on the mean-field method to evaluate the inhibitory effects of avoidance and immunization on epidemic spreading.And an approximate formula for the epidemic threshold is obtained by mathematical analysis.The simulation results show that the epidemic threshold decreases with the increase of inner-community motivation rate and inter-community long-range motivation rate,while it increases with the increase of immunization rate or avoidance rate.It indicates that the inhibitory effect on epidemic spreading of immunization works better than that of avoidance. Considering the actual behavior of people’s short-term travel, we propose a dynamic small-world community network model with tunable community strength which has constant local links and time varying long-range jumps.Then an epidemic model of susceptible-infected-recovered is established based on the mean-field method to evaluate the inhibitory effects of avoidance and immunization on epidemic spreading. And an approximate formula for the epidemic threshold is obtained by mathematical analysis. the simulation results show that the epidemic threshold decreases with the increase of inner-community motivation rate and inter-community long-range motivation rate, while it increases with the increase of immunization rate or avoidance rate. It indicates that the inhibitory effect on epidemic spreading of immunization works better than that of avoidance.
去年以来,珙县借保持共产党员先进性教育活动之东风,  从发现和解决工作中的热点难点问题入手,力求在薄弱环节上有加强,在难点问题上有突破,促进了全县组织工作的创新发展。  大力推进干部人事制度改革。积极落实群众公认原则,制定了《珙县“两推一述”推荐科级干部的暂行办法》,把“两推一述”扩大到了县管事业单位;创新公选干部模式,实行“全程量化、逐轮淘汰”;创新领导班子考核评价制度,研究形成了一套较为科学、
研究旅游文本汉英翻译有着十分重要的意义。   首先,英语是目前的世界通用语,是跨文化交流活动中的一个最重要的交流工具和媒介。在国际化的旅游活动中,英语同样也能够完成交