《赌命汉》三个醒目的大字,画龙点睛。“赌命”实际指的是“赌钱”,两者字面和含义虽有不同,究其本质并无多大差别。古今中外,因赌钱而倾家荡产、妻离子散、家破人亡的事例并不罕见。由此推之,难道“赌钱”不就是“赌命”? 这部现实题材的影片是辽宁电影制片厂和长春电影制片厂联合摄制的。影片男主人公名叫刘玉岭,本来是个勤劳朴实的青年农民,由于沾上赌癖不能自拔,不仅输掉了自己和新婚妻子辛苦劳动挣来的钱,而且债台高筑。因赌钱,几乎失掉了爱妻、失掉了温暖家庭。当
“Gambling life Han” three eye-catching characters, finishing touch. The concept of “gambling life” actually means “gambling money”. Although the two are different in literal meaning and meaning, there is not much difference in essence between them. At all times and in all countries, it is not uncommon to see bankruptcies caused by gambling, broken wives, and broken families. Which push, is it “gambling money” is not “gambling life”? The real theme of the film is a joint film production plant in Liaoning and Changchun film studio. The film’s heroine name is Liu Yuling, originally an industrious and honest young peasant who could not extricate himself from being stamped on his poker habit. He not only lost his hard-earned money with his newlywed wife, but also raised his debt. Because of gambling, almost lost his wife, lost a warm family. when