
来源 :中国水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zbblyd
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浙江省温州市水产供销公司为了进一步改善经营管理,支持渔业生产,适应消费者需要,在一九六三年认真贯彻执行了水产品收购工作中按质论价的价格政策.在贯彻执行过程中,他们一方面依靠当地党委,加强对渔民的宣传教育工作,使渔民懂得正确贯彻执行价格政策,好货好价、劣货低价,对国家、集体和渔民所带来的好处,并在收购工作中切实执行,对于注意提高鱼货质量的生产单位,象洞头东岙张道乐生产队、大王殿洪艮卿生产队交售的鱼货都是上等的,他们及时向党政领导部门汇报,树立旗帜,从而带动其他生产队,对提高收购鱼货的质量起了积极作用.另一方面,他们又加强对收购人员的思想政治教育和业务培训工作.在渔汛前举办了收购员短期训练班,着重进行形势教育和政策教育,统一思想认识,进一步树立三大观点和勤 In order to further improve its operation and management, support fishery production and meet the needs of consumers, the Wenzhou Aquatic Products Supply and Marketing Company of Zhejiang Province earnestly implemented the price-fixing price policy in its acquisition of aquatic products in 1963. In implementing the plan, On the one hand, they rely on the local Party committees to step up publicity and education work on fishermen so that fishermen know how to correctly implement price policies, good prices for good goods, low prices for poor goods, benefits to the country, collectives and fishermen, In the course of work, the production units that pay attention to improving the quality of fish and fish products, such as the Zhangdu Le Production Team at Dongtou Dongjue and the fish sold at the Royal Palace Genghis Keng Production Team, are of the finest, and they promptly report to the Party and government leading departments , Set a banner, which led other production teams, to improve the quality of the acquisition of fish played a positive role.On the other hand, they also strengthen the acquisition of ideological and political education and business training work .In the fishing season before the acquisition of short-term training held Class, focusing on situation education and policy education, unify their thinking, and further establish the three major points of view and ground
我校植物教研组在多年教学中,积累了一些彩色旧挂图,怎样精心加工,修旧利废,让这些闲置的旧挂图在教学中继续发挥作用,我们的方法是: 一、用于实验室展示 一般旧挂图因长久
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奥运镜像中最夺人眼目的,是无数金牌铸就的辉煌瞬间。但事实上我们同样应该驻足凝视的,是无数普通公民身上闪烁的动人光辉。 The most eye-catching image of the Olympic G
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