Cultivating novels is a kind of special novel style in German literature, which has the same origin relationship with the classical concept of cultivation in Germany and goes through complicated changes in the history of thoughts along with cultivation. Cultivating novels is not only a historical concept but also a relatively stable narrative feature. This article starts with the discussion of the relationship between the cultivation of novels and the cultivation idea, and based on the cultivation of novels and poetry, shows the relationship between it and the history of German thoughts. The basic conclusion is that there is always a significant dislocation and contrast between the creation and poetics of cultivation novels and the factual and ideal forms of works. Fiction poetics expresses the classical cultivation idea and ideal, but the creation requires to follow the psychological truth and the aesthetic appeal. From the second half of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the twenty-first century, the cultivation of novel poetics or the study of cultivated novels, the works involved, the problems of concern and the conclusion reached are all filled with profound humane care and carrying the response to the problems of the times. The study of cultivation novels has never been a purely academic or pure form, but it has always been part of the history of ideas and even of history.