领导班子的团结问题,在马克思主义的建党学说中,是一个极为重要的课题。目前在我党面临“外有压力,内有困难”的新形势下,加强与维护各级领导班子的团结和统一,更具有现实针对性和极端重要性。 班子的团结,既是个实际问题,又是个理论问题;既需要借鉴历史的经验,更需要借助马克思主义哲学这个伟大的认识工具,进行分析和研究。本文拟结合自己的工作实践,运用唯物辩证法的观点,对此进行一些剖析和探讨。
The issue of the unity of the leadership team is an extremely important issue in the Marxist party building theory. At a time when our party is facing a new situation of “external pressure and internal difficulties”, it is more realistic and extremely important to strengthen and safeguard the unity and unification of the leadership at all levels. The unity of the team is not only a practical issue but also a theoretical issue. It not only needs to learn from the experience of history, but also needs to make use of the great understanding tool of Marxist philosophy for analysis and research. This paper intends to combine my own work practice, the use of materialist dialectics point of view, to do some analysis and discussion.