At the beginning of 1990s, the guns of the Gulf War just subsided. The U.S. Navy began to think about the surface warships facing the 21st century in the light of the future maritime war based on the drastic changes in the world military situation after the Cold War. For 10 years, from the initial proposal of the SC-21 to the prestigious Arsenal, from the DD-21 destroyers, which mainly take on land attack missions, to the DD (X) multitasking surface warships that can engage any ocean around the world Family, the United States Navy's future plans of surface warship after 10 years of twists and turns, so far has just been on track. Although at least until 2005 to reveal the true and false, but according to the plan, DD (X) series of ships will be the backbone of the United States Navy surface combat ships in the first half of the 21st century.