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自80年代以来,随着新方志批评活动的蓬勃发展,方志批评学的建设问题也渐被人们所关注.早在1987年,方志学者林衍经就从当代志稿和志书评议活动的广泛开展中洞察到方志批评学的发生端倪.他说:“从方志学学科体系发展角度来看,已经透视出形成方志批评学的信息,甚至可以说方志批评学已经露出端倪.或者说,其幼芽已经在温润的泥土中萌芽了.”(《志稿评议会摭论》,《山西地方志通讯》1987年第1期)时至近年,随着方志批评实践的进一步发展,人们对方志批评的研究也取得了明显进步.例如,方志出版社于1997年8月出版的刘柏修、刘斌主编《当代方志学概论》和黄山书社于1997年11月出版的梅森《方志学简论》,就都设有关于方志批评(或称方志评论)的专门篇章.这就是方志批评研究业已取得明显进步的一个佐证.为了进一步促进方志批评学建设沿着科学道路健康发展,笔者以为如下几个关于方志批评学的基础问题有必要提出来加以研究和讨论. Since the 1980s, with the vigorous development of new local chronicles, the problem of the construction of local chronicles of criticism has also been gradually drawing attention.As early as 1987, local chronicler Lin Yan-jing explored from the extensive development of contemporary journal articles and commentaries To dialect criticism occurs.He said: “From the perspective of the development of the discipline system of the dialect, has formed the perspective of the formation of chi-square critique of the information, and even can be said that chi-square criticism has been revealed, or that the bud has been In the warm soil germinated. ”(“ Chi comment Council ”,“ Shanxi Local Journal Newsletter ”1987 the first period) to recent years, with the further development of local dialectical criticism, people also made the study of chi square criticism For example, published in August 1997 Liu Fangxiu, Liu Bin editor of “Introduction to Contemporary Chronicles” and Huangshan Book Company in November 1997 published Mason’s “Brief History of Chronicles,” they are all about the records Criticism (or commentary) special chapter, which is the dialect criticism of the study has made significant progress in a corroborating evidence in order to further promote the construction of chi-square along the scientific path of health Exhibition, as I think about a few basic problems chronicles Criticism is necessary to propose to study and discuss.
周围型肺癌的基本影像表现为肺内的结节(直径≤3cm)和肿块(直径>3 cm).在肺癌的综合影像诊断中,CT是主要的检查方法.多层螺旋CT的进展提高了≤3 cm肺癌检出和鉴别诊断的能力。
该文针对服务器虚拟化技术及虚拟化软件,以一个中小煤矿企业信息中心应用为例,介绍一种基于VMware ESX Server,采用Virtual Center管理技术和VMware Vmotion迁移技术来实现服
赣江、汀江、梅江流域所在的闽粤赣边区是“客家聚居地”、“客家大本营”,早已为众多客家研究者所肯定。限于篇幅,本文仅就梅江文化与汀江文化的渊源关系作些探讨。 The b