常规密闭是以防潮隔热为主要目的,采用常用的防潮、隔热材料,将粮堆密封,最大限度地降低大气温、湿度对粮堆的影响,以实现粮食安全储藏。 基层粮站由于受仓房条件和储粮技术水平的限制,通常采用一面密闭的形式,即:粮面纤维板压盖密闭。按密闭时的粮温又可分为高温密闭和低温密闭。高温密闭适用于入库小麦的前期储藏,低温密闭适用于小麦后期储藏和
Conventional hermetic sealing is based on moisture-proof and heat-insulation. The commonly used moisture-proof and heat-insulating materials are used to seal the grain piles to minimize the influence of atmospheric temperature and humidity on the grain piles for food safety storage. Due to the restriction of storage conditions and the technical level of stored grain, the grain stations at the grass-roots level usually adopt a closed form, that is, the cover of the fiberboard gland with grain noodles is sealed. By sealing the grain temperature can be divided into high temperature and low temperature sealed airtight. Sealed at high temperature suitable for storage of pre-storage wheat, low-temperature closed for late storage and