The Joy of Jiaozi Once the Stuff of Holidays, Stuffed Dumplings Now Everyday Fare

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IN the northern part of China, people often say: “Dumplings are the best to eat.” Indeed, because of its cold, arid climate, people spend the winters eating vegetables stored away in the fall. Jiaozi——Chinese dumplings——have become a specialty in the north. Dumplings are made by wrapping a dough around meat and vegetables. In the past, people ate dumplings only on festive occasions; now they have become common fare in the home, and several brands of frozen dumplings are available in stores. However, it is still the custom in IN the northern part of China, people often say: “Dumplings are the best to eat. ” Indeed, because of its cold, arid climate, people spend the winters eating vegetables stored away in the fall. Jiaozi - Chinese dumplings- Dumplings are made by wrapping a dough around meat and vegetables. In the past, people ate dumplings only on festive occasions; now they have become common fare in the home, and several brands of frozen dumplings are available in stores. However, it is still the custom in
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