由东北师范大学历史系教授、博士生导师崔丕先生撰写的《美国的冷战战略与巴黎统筹委员会、中国委员会 (194 5- 1994 )》一书已由东北师范大学出版社 2 0 0 0年 5月出版。本书以多国档案文件比较研究和多学科研究方法为基础 ,以美国冷战战略、巴统组织、中国委员会的兴衰史全程
The book “U.S. Cold War Strategy and the Paris Co-ordinating Committee and the Chinese Committee (1994 5- 1994)” written by Mr. Cui Pi, a professor of history at Northeast Normal University and a doctoral tutor, has been published by Northeast Normal University Press 2000 Published on the month. This book is based on the comparative study of multi-country archival documents and multidisciplinary research methods. Taking the Cold War strategy of the United States, the rise and fall of the Batumi and Chinese committees as a whole