各位领导,同志们: 在这世纪之交的第一个春天,我们汇聚一堂,举行全国基础研究工作会议,筹划发展我国基础研究的方略,对于提高我国的国际竞争能力,迎接新世纪的挑战,具有重大的历史意义。今天会上,科技部就我国基础研究取得的成绩、面临的形势和对策以及今后工作的总体部署做了很好的报告。我完全拥护。这里我仅就发挥科学基金制的优势,促进我国基础研究取得重大突破说一些粗浅的认识,抛砖引玉,不妥之处,请各位代表批评指正。
Leaders and Comrades: At the turn of the century, at the first spring of this century, we gathered together to hold a national basic research conference and plan a strategy for the development of basic research in our country. In order to enhance our international competitiveness and meet the challenges of the new century, It is of great historical significance. At today's meeting, the Ministry of Science and Technology made a very good report on the achievements made in our basic research, the situation and countermeasures we face and the overall deployment of our future work. I fully support. Here I will only give full play to the advantages of the scientific fund system and promote the major breakthroughs in basic research in our country. I would like to say some superficial understanding and suggestions that are inappropriate and inviting delegates to criticize and correct me.