军事科学院军事历史研究部编著的《中国抗日战争史》(上卷)由解放军出版社出版了。作者根据翔实的史料,阐明了若干新问题,自成一说。它的出版,标志着中国抗日战争史学的新发展,引人瞩目。 首先,《上卷》作者以中华民族新觉醒的主线,把中国局部抗日战争(1931.9.18——1937.7.7)如实地写成了一场民族、民主大革命的前奏。 自中国抗日战争胜利迄今四十多年中,中国抗战史研究硕果累累,但已有著作,似有一个共同的不足。它们过分地注意了国内的阶级矛盾和斗争,而忽视了中华民族团结御侮的全局。写局部战争时,过多地强调了“攘外必先安内”与“联合抗日”两种力量的矛盾和冲突,而对于中华儿女波澜壮阔的反法西斯抗日民族解放斗争,则叙述不足。写全面抗战,只强调某一个战场,而忽视另一个战场的地位和作用。
The History of Anti-Japanese War in China (Volume 1) edited by the Military Historical Research Department of the Academy of Military Science was published by the People’s Liberation Army Press. Based on the detailed historical data, the author clarified several new issues and set out to make a single statement. Its publication marks a new development in the history of the Anti-Japanese War in China. First of all, the author of “The Writers” wrote the local Chinese anti-Japanese war (1931.9.18-1937.7.7) faithfully as the prelude to a national and democratic revolution with the new awakening of the Chinese nation. Since the victory of the Chinese anti-Japanese war so far for more than 40 years, the research on the history of the war of resistance in China has achieved fruitful results. However, it seems that there is a book that has one common weakness. They have paid too much attention to the class contradictions and struggles in the country and ignored the overall situation in which the Chinese nation united themselves against the aggression. In writing the local wars, we have over emphasized the contradictions and conflicts between the two forces “that we must first offend Inner Mongolia but also of the United Anti-Japanese.” However, there is a lack of narration about the magnificent anti-fascist anti-Japanese national liberation struggle of the sons and daughters of China. To write a comprehensive war of resistance, we should only emphasize one battlefield while ignoring the other’s position and role.