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1995年11月1日,史玉柱面对共和国第一代上将洪学智,道出一番精采见解:“目前的民营经济有四种企业,一种是‘草寇’企业,没有什么组织,成员多是亲朋,全靠血缘和义气维持,目的是单纯谋财;一种是‘军阀’企业,已有一定规模和一定组织,但上下级是点与点的关系,几个首脑拼凑在一起,各有各的嫡系部队,很容易哗变和分化,很难壮大;一种是‘正规军’企业,组织严密和纪律严明,靠共同利益凝聚于一体,以能够长期赚钱,但缺少更为远大的目标,源于百姓回归百姓;还有一种是以宏大理想为支撑,把企业利益与人民利益共容,与天下兴亡共存,这样的企业才能办成超大集团。”史玉柱当时说,巨人集团正处于第三种和第四种之间。从改革开放后民营企业的发展历史看,史玉柱属于第二代民营企业家。从管理方式看,第一代民营企业家是经验型管理者,第二代是技术型管理者。从史玉柱的管理思路看,无不带有近代企业家的烙印,而不是一个现代企业家。甚至,他的个人性格及价值观念都具有明显的近代特征。众所周知,民营企业存在一种天然的机制优势,因为他们是自生自灭的。民营经济的机制活力来自生存的压力,他们可能满身血迹和污垢,有种种不规范行为,但他们必须往前走,不进则死。但是,我们也看到,伴随民营经济的迅速扩张,越来越多的民营企业家,受到时代和个人的局限。由此形成一个特殊的现象:机制优势与素质劣势的矛盾。 On November 1, 1995, Shi Yuzhu, in the face of Hong Xuezhi, the first generation of the Republic, came out with some brilliant insights: “At present, there are four types of enterprises run by the private economy. One is a grass-roots enterprise. There are no organizations and more members They are friends and relatives, and they are all based on blood ties and righteousness. The purpose is simply to make money. One is a ”warlord“ enterprise, which has a certain scale and certain organization. However, the superior and the inferior are the relations between points and points. Several heads are put together and each There are various clan troops that can easily mutate and differentiate and are hard to grow up. One is a regular army enterprise that is well-organized and disciplined and cohesioned by common interests so as to be able to make money for a long period of time but lacks far-reaching goals. From the common people to return to the people; there is a macro-ideal as the support, the interests of the enterprise and the people’s interests together, and the world co-exist, so that enterprises can be formed into a large group. ”Shi Yuzhu said at that time, the giant group is in the Between the three and the fourth. From the history of the development of private enterprises after the reform and opening up, Shi Yuzhu belongs to the second generation of private entrepreneurs. From the management perspective, the first generation of private entrepreneurs is an experienced manager, the second generation is a technical manager. From Shi Yuzhu’s management thinking, all with the brand of modern entrepreneurs, not a modern entrepreneur. Even his personal character and values ​​have obvious modern characteristics. As we all know, private-owned enterprises have a natural advantage because they are self-contained. The mechanistic vitality of the private economy comes from the pressures of survival. They may be covered in bloodstains and dirt and behave irregularly. However, they must move forward and not die. However, we also see that along with the rapid expansion of the private economy, more and more private entrepreneurs are confined by the times and individuals. The result is a special phenomenon: the contradiction between the advantages of mechanism and the disadvantages of quality.
现在关于能源的名词越来越多,越来越复杂,而且互相包涵,定义很不清楚。常常碰到的能源名词不下十几个,如一次能源、二次能源、可再生能源、非可再生能源、 The definition o
摘要:作为供电企业,行风建设如何直接反映了企业在社会主义现代化建设进程中的品牌形象和社会形象,直接反映了企业员工的思想道德素质。近年来,供电企业不断优化服务意识,促进行风建设的长效化、制度化发展。阐述了加强行风建设对供电企业的重要性、其存在的问题和改进措施,就如何进一步加强行风建设,不断提高优质服务水平进行了探讨。  关键词:供电企业;行风建设;重要性  作者简介:温新叶(1982-),男,浙江平