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目前,我国已进入老龄化社会,在考虑老年人物质需求的同时他们的精神生活也备受关注,因此,促进老年人音乐教育的发展就有了重要意义。现在的老年人多半子女不在身边,难免孤独,再加上年纪大了常会面临身体健康问题。音乐教育不仅能够充实老年人的生活,陶冶情操;而且还能在一定程度上排解老年人的不良情绪。我国目前的老年教育多以社会办学为主,虽起到了一定作用,但有其局限性,在这种情况下,高校办学可以作为其有力补充,并真正承担起终身教育的责任和义务,为构建学习型社会贡献自己的力量。本文重点在分析社会办学现状的基础上,指出音乐院校开展老年教育必要性的重要意义并为保障其顺利开展提出几点建议。旨在将高校老年教育打造得更加科学化、系统化,在造福老年人的同时促进终身教育体制的推进与实施。 At present, our country has entered an aging society. While considering the material needs of the elderly, as well as their spiritual life are of great concern. Therefore, it is of great significance to promote the development of music education for the elderly. Most of the elderly nowadays are not close to their children, and they are inevitably lonely. In addition, they often face physical health problems when they are old. Music education can not only enrich the life of the elderly, cultivate the sentiments; but also to a certain extent, solve the bad emotions of the elderly. In our country, the current education for the aged is mostly based on social education. Although it plays a certain role, it has its limitations. Under such circumstances, colleges and universities can supplement their duties and take the responsibility and obligation of lifelong education. Build a learning society to contribute its own power. Based on the analysis of the status quo of social education, this paper points out the significance of the necessity of the education for the aged in music colleges and puts forward some suggestions to ensure its smooth development. The purpose is to create a more scientific and systematic college education on the elderly and to promote the promotion and implementation of a lifelong education system while benefiting the elderly.
利用沟谷凹地生草冲积土进行农业生产时,常导致其抗蚀稳定性、物理力学性 质指标降低,进而导致水上流失严重。研究表明在谷底植树造林或培植多年刈草场可 预防其土壤侵蚀。 Th
1993年7月,44岁的他出任副部级高官:央行副行长兼国家外汇管理局局长;1996年7月至1999年7月,任中国光大集团(香港)董事长。而今他已成了一个路人皆知的大贪官。 In July 199
成语“如履平地”语见唐·裴鉶《周邯》:“贞元中有涎处士周邯,文学俊之士也。言善人水,如浓, 辛级’地。”成语大意是说,象走在一样。比喻做某项事情非常{容易。形容在水中
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