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在不久前闭幕的全国人大会议记者招待会上,温家宝总理深情地说:“两会期间我一直在上网。广大网民向我提问题,提建议,甚至为我分忧,多达数百万条,参与的恐怕有上亿人”。温总理心理万机,眼望全球心系国人。他连续四年在人大会议的记者招待会上,十分动情得说到关注互联网,感谢广大网民关注两会,参政议政,对政府工作非常关心提了许多很好的建议。温家宝总理如此高度关注互联网,而且天天上网倾听广大网民的呼声,这足以说明实施电子政务以来做为政府官员,一国总理在信息化时代,网络快速发展的今天总理的表帅的作用,为全国800万公仆树立了“网络化时代”该如何服务于民的光辉榜样。 At a press conference recently concluded at the NPC session, Premier Wen Jiabao said in a deep feeling: “I have been surfing the internet during the two sessions, and the majority of Internet users have asked me questions, made suggestions, and even shared my worries for millions, I am afraid there are tens of millions of people involved. ” Premier Wen mentally, look at the hearts of people around the world. At a press conference held by the NPC at the NPC for four years in a row, he said that he was very passionate about the Internet. He thanked the masses of Internet users for their attention to the NPC and CPPCC sessions and for their participation in the deliberations and deliberations of the government. He said he was very interested in government work and made many good suggestions. Premier Wen Jiabao has paid close attention to the Internet and listened to the voices of netizens every day. This shows that since the implementation of e-government, as a government official, the premier of a country’s premier has played a very important role in the information age and the rapid development of the Internet. Eight million public servants have set a brilliant example of how to serve the people in a “networked era.”
Emerging evidence points to the existence of pan-creatic cancer stem cells (CSC) as the culprit in the initiation, maintenance, metastasis, and treatment resist
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