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本文提出了以暴雨推求洪水的物理成因分析为基础的推理公式,并对推理公式中的核心问题,损失参数μ和汇流时间τ进行了重点研究.通过3,588场雨洪资料的分析,给出在不同气候条件下,反映流域特征的两个参数的计算公式.并提出了两个经验公式,解决了多年来在公路小桥涵设计流量时存在的问题,并可移用到无实测流量资料地区的设计流量计算,为小桥涵孔径设计提供了科学依据. 目前小河沟流量资料比较缺乏,通过研究暴雨径流的转换规律来解决小河沟设计流量计算是一个可行的办法,这个方法称为推理公式法,是本文研究的重点.由暴雨推求洪峰流量尽管牵涉到的因素多,问题复杂,但从成因分析这种变化规律,是有一定的理论根据的.其推求方法分三步进行,即:暴雨、产汇流和流量计算.通过大量资料的分析综合,在保证精度的前提下,公式结构比较简单,便于适用线路勘测设计中小桥涵量大面广的特点. In this paper, we put forward the reasoning formula based on the analysis of the physical causes of floods in rainstorm and focus on the core problems, the loss parameter μ and the confluence time τ in the reasoning formula.According to the analysis of 3,588 field flood data, The calculation formulas of two parameters reflecting the characteristics of the basin under different climatic conditions are proposed and two empirical formulas are proposed to solve the problems existing in the design flow of the small bridges and culverts over the years and to be used in the areas without measured flow data The design of flow calculation provides a scientific basis for the design of small bridges and culverts.At present, there is a lack of data on the flow in small channels, and it is a feasible way to solve the flow calculation of small river channels by studying the law of stormwater runoff conversion. This method is called inferential formula method, It is the key point of this paper that the flood peak flow is deduced though there are many factors involved and the problems are complex.However, there is a certain theoretical basis for the analysis of the variation of flood peak.Its deduction method is divided into three steps: heavy rain, Production and convergence and flow calculation.By a large number of data analysis and synthesis, to ensure the accuracy of the premise, the formula structure is relatively simple, easy to apply Line surveying and design bridges in the characteristics of a wide range of features.
不少重金属是微生物正常生长的必需元素 ,但是当重金属在菌体内浓度过高时 ,会对菌体产生毒性。微生物可通过细胞的表面富集与细胞膜成分的改变减小毒性的破坏 ,在重金属进一