
来源 :少年儿童研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uuuuuuuuii
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2012年10月教育部颁布实施的《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》,是幼儿园教师教育工作的“指南针”。众所周知,幼儿正处于身体和心理发育与发展的最初阶段和重要时期,维护和促进幼儿健康是第一位的,也是最为重要的,早在教育部颁发的《纲要》中就明确指出:“幼儿园必须把保护幼儿的生命和促进幼儿的健康放在工作的首位”。 In October 2012, the “Guide for Learning and Development of Children 3 to 6 Years” promulgated and implemented by the Ministry of Education was the “compass” for teachers’ education in kindergartens. As we all know, young children are in the initial stages and important periods of physical and mental development and development. To maintain and promote the health of young children is the first and most important issue. As early stated in the “Outline” issued by the Ministry of Education, “” Kindergartens must put the protection of young children’s lives and promoting the health of young children first in their work. "
勾股定理揭示了直角三角形三边之间的平方关系.对于一些与三角形面积有关的问题,运用勾股定理求解会更加方便、快捷.一、直接运用勾股定理的常规题 The Pythagorean theorem
中国市场经过20多年的演变,已经从商品经济转向产品经济,而相对应的消费需求则从大众化消费转向小众化消费,企业如何更好地贯彻战略营销思维,满足和引导顾客的个性化需求?    每个企业的目标和追求不同,处于生存期的微型企业首先是要活下来,赚钱为首要任务;处于成长期的小型企业的目标是做大做强,所以企业要明确自己的成长路径,选准品牌的差异化定位,找到可以复制的成功模式,从而尽快实现倍增;处于腾飞期的中型企