美国荷里活有位著名影星,名叫保罗·纽曼(Paul Newman),他从小注意学习和思考,日积月累地吸纳别人的智慧和经验,使自己形成特有的本领。再加上他先天的强健体魄,风度翩翩,湛蓝的眼睛,浓密的棕发,在银幕上易于成为男性美的化身。保罗·纽曼像许多犹太人一样,自幼决心长大后要创一番事业和发财致富。但怎么实现自己的奋斗目标呢?犹太人善于一切从实际出发,从发挥自身的强项入手。保罗·纽曼就是这样去做的,后来,他既成为一名著名影星,又成为一名持富甚多的商贾。保罗·纽曼1925年1月26日
Hollywood, United States, a famous movie star, named Paul Newman, who studied and thought from an early age, over time and time to absorb other people’s wisdom and experience, to create their own unique skills. Coupled with his innate physical fitness, handsome, blue eyes, thick brown hair, easy to become the embodiment of male beauty on the screen. Like many Jews, Paul Newman was determined to grow up and make a fortune when he grew up. But how to achieve their goal? Jews are good at everything from reality, starting from their strengths. This was exactly what Paul Newman did, and later he became both a famous movie star and a merchant with a lot of money. Paul Newman January 26, 1925