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1992年9月3日,万通成立一周年纪念日,冯仑将这一天确立为万通“反省日”。“一直到现在,每年一到公司纪念日,我们都要检讨自己。”反省其实是一种学习能力。创业既然是一个不断摸索的过程,创业者就难免在此过程中不断地犯错误。反省,正是认识错误、改正错误的前提。对创业者来说,反省的过程,就是学习的过程。有没有自我反省的能力,具不具备自我反省的精神,决定了创业者能不能认识到自己所犯的错误,能不能改正所犯的错误,是否能够不断地学到新东西。方杰做奥普浴霸,大家觉得那么容易,好像是一蹴而就似的。其实早在澳大利亚留学的时候,方杰就有意识地到澳大利亚最大的灯具公司“LIGHT UP”公司打工。当时他还不懂商业谈判。他知道自己的缺陷,很希望学会谈判的本领。他知道他当时的老板是一个谈判的高手,所以,每当有机会与老板一起进行商业谈判的时侯,他总是在口袋里偷偷揣上一个微型录音机。他将老板与对方的谈 On September 3, 1992, on the anniversary of the first anniversary of the establishment of Vantone, Feng Lun established this day as Vantone “Reflection Day ”. “Until now, every year as a corporate anniversary, we have to review ourselves.” Introspection is actually a learning ability. Since entrepreneurship is a continuous process of exploration, entrepreneurs will inevitably make mistakes in the process. Reflection, it is the understanding of the error, correct the premise of error. For entrepreneurs, the process of reflection is the learning process. There is no ability to self-examination, with the spirit of self-reflection, determines whether entrepreneurs can recognize the mistakes they make, can correct the mistakes they make, whether they can continue to learn new things. Fang Jie do Aopu Yuba, we feel so easy, it seems like a flash. In fact, as early as studying in Australia, Fang Jie consciously to the largest lighting company in Australia “LIGHTUP ” company working. At that time he did not understand commercial negotiations. He knows his own shortcomings and hopes to learn how to negotiate. He knew his then boss was a bargaining guru, so whenever he had the chance to negotiate business with his boss, he always snuck a miniature recorder in his pocket. He talks about the boss with each other
近日,深圳2011年世界大学生运会市场开发方案正式对外发布,将为世界大学生运动会的永续发展树立一个新标杆。位于龙岗区体 Recently, Shenzhen 2011 World University Games
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