美国AT&T公司贝尔实验室的科学家最近创造了数据存贮密度的新记录——每平方英寸存贮450亿比特。以这种密度存贮,两本《战争与和平》可以存进比针尖还小的面积中。这一密度比当前市面上出售的最好磁光记录装置的密度高100倍,比最好的磁记录密度高300倍。创造这一记录的是在莫瑞希尔(Murray Hill)工作的一个科学家小组。他们使用了近场扫描光学显微技术(near—field scanning optical microscopy technique)。因此,记录每一比特的区
Scientists at AT & T’s Bell Labs recently created a new record for data storage density - 45 billion bits per square inch. Stored in this density, the two “wars and peace” can be deposited in a smaller area than the tip. This density is 100 times higher than that of the best magneto-optical recording device currently on the market and 300 times higher than the best magnetic recording density. The record was created by a team of scientists working at Murray Hill. They used a near-field scanning optical microscopy technique. Therefore, the area for each bit is recorded