
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haisheng1984
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Two young patients with acute disseminated encephalomyeli- tis (ADEM) of the brain stem are described. In spite of similar lesion sites in the brain stem, reaching from the upper medulla to the mesencephalon, the out comes of the patients were very different: one made a full clinical recovery wit hin three weeks while the other remained in a locked- in state more than a year after the disease episode. Both patients also differed in magnetic resonance im aging (MRI) findings on admission. The patient who remained in a locked- in sta te had pathological diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) scans and decreased apparen t diffusion coefficient maps initially, with severe tissue destruction on follow up computed tomography, while the patient who recovered fully showed initially increased apparent diffusion coefficient values and almost complete resolution o f MRI changes on follow up. Thus a comparison of these two cases may indicate di fferences in the underlying pathology in ADEM (vasogenic v cytotoxic oedema) tha t may be crucial for estimating tissue damage and clinical outcome. Two young patients with acute disseminated encephalomyeli- tis (ADEM) of the brain stem are described. In spite of similar lesion sites in the brain stem, reaching from the upper medulla to the mesencephalon, the out comes of the patients were very different: one made a full clinical recovery wit hin three weeks while the other remained in a locked-in state more than a year after the disease episode. Both patients also differed in magnetic resonance im aging (MRI) findings on admission. The patient who remained in a locked-in sta te had pathological diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) scans and decreased apparen t diffusion coefficient maps initially, with severe tissue destruction on follow up computed tomography, while the patient who recovered fully showed initially demonstrated apparent diffusion coefficient values ​​and almost complete resolution of MRI changes on follow up. Thus a comparison of these two cases may indicate di fferences in the underlying pathology in ADEM (vasogenic v cytotoxic oedema) tha t may be crucial for estimating tissue damage and clinical outcome.
“建立职业经理人制度,更好发挥企业家作用”:十八届三中全会的这个提法一石激起千层浪。长期以来,职业经理人制度在国企远未健全,高管们普遍亦官亦商,这是企业发展的重大短板。中国建材集团董事长宋志平曾表示,希望用两年时间把中国建材的职业经理人制度彻底建立起来,“如果我们能过这一关,企业就能做强做优,就能成为世界一流,如果过不了这一关,我们则有可能在市场面前再打败仗。”  一方面,一些高管安于体制内的身份
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