在连篇累牍地编写着各种体裁的文章填充这本杂志160个页面的时候,我们自认为行使着媒介之职,我们享受着隐身和旁观的乐趣。其实,读者还有与我们进行更直接交流的权利。就在每月的采编一线,仍然有大量信息流散在常规的报道内容之外,它们不那么正经,但是像餐前的开胃品;不是主流观点宏大视角,但是有它小小的启发价值;难以被放大成千字长文,只是一段一段的“无心絮语”。 在这里,我们的记者不再是文章标题下那个平面的署名,他们破例以第一人称叙事,或者还原现场,或者旁敲侧击。 不求有益,但求有趣。
When we wrote a series of genre articles filled with 160 pages of this magazine, we thought we were in the media. We enjoyed invisibility and onlookers’ pleasure. In fact, readers have the right to communicate more directly with us. On the front line of the monthly collection, there is still a large amount of information scattered outside the regular content. They are less serious, but they are like pre-dinner appetizers; they are not mainstream perspectives, but they have little inspiration value; Enlarged into thousands of long texts, it’s just a period of “unintentional whisper.” Here, our reporter is no longer the signature of the plane under the headline of the article. They make an exception to the first-person narrative, or to restore the scene, or knock on the sidelines. Do not ask for benefit, but be interesting.