中華人民共和國政府和尼泊尔王國政府为了在兩國人民之間久已存在的友誼的基礎上,進一步發展作为善鄰的兩國之間的友好关系,双方重申以五項原則(潘查希拉),即: 一、互相尊重彼此領土的完整和主权; 二、互不侵犯; 三、互不借任何經济、政治或意識形态性質的理由干涉內政;
In order to further develop the friendly relations between the two countries as good neighbors based on the long existing friendship between the peoples of the two countries, the Chinese Government and the Royal Government of Nepal have reiterated the principle of “five principles” (Panchahra) : 1. Mutual respect for the integrity and sovereignty of each other’s territory; 2. Mutual non-aggression; 3. Mutual interference in internal affairs without any economic, political or ideological reasons;