世纪相交之际,上海举办了“科技论坛”学术研讨活动,集中展示了科学家、专 家、政府官员和企业家对新世纪发展和“十五”规划的科学技术智慧与真知灼见,提出了建 设新上海的大量精彩金点子,业已引起市府领导的重视。为此,本刊按有关专题择要发表。
At the turn of the century, Shanghai organized a seminar on “science and technology forums” that focused on the scientific and technological wisdom and insights of scientists, experts, government officials and entrepreneurs on the development of the new century and the Tenth Five-Year Plan and put forward the proposal of building a new Shanghai A large number of wonderful gold ideas, has attracted the attention of the municipal government. To this end, the magazine published on the theme of choice.